Sunday, August 22, 2010

How To Choose A Dentist

How To Choose A Dentist
By Gerard DiFusco

Ok, let’s talk about how to choose a dentist. How should a
person go about choosing a dentist? Now, some people would
respond to this question this way: “Who cares? Dentist’s are all
the same, right? Just open the yellow pages, they’re full of
them. Just point your finger, spin a bottle, whatever—all
dentists are the same, and getting a cavity filled isn’t brain

Well, that last part is true anyway—filling a cavity isn’t the
same thing as operating on someone’s brain. But neither is
giving a flu shot. Neither is setting a broken arm. Neither is
prescribing medication for one of the million ailments of
wintertime, or one of the million ailments of summertime, etc.
Yet you wouldn’t go to just any person to have one of those
things done—you’re very careful when it comes to a doctor. How
to choose a dentist, then, is a pretty important question. How
to choose a dentist is as important as how to choose a
doctor—heck, you wouldn’t randomly pick a mechanic to work on
your car, would you? Of course not! Your car’s too important for
that, it gets you from place to place.

The question of how to choose a dentist implies many things.
How to choose a dentist may mean how to actually go about
finding a dentist, any dentist. How to choose a dentist may mean
how to find one with a personality that matches your own, or
that yours can get along with. How to choose a dentist may mean
how to choose the best dentist. How to choose dentist may mean
how to choose a kind of dentist, that is, is there a difference
between getting a root canal and a regular filling? How to
choose a dentist may even mean something complicated like how to
find a dentist that uses the newest kind of filling as opposed
to the outdated kind. And so forth. How to choose a dentist
implies all sorts of thing.

Perhaps some people don’t take choosing a dentist seriously (or
the idea of choosing a dentist seriously, anyway) because lots
of us take our teeth for granted. We don’t have to go in to get
our teeth worked on in a serious way very often. They’re merely
these big hard things in our mouths that we chew and smile with.
But when you think about how important your teeth actually are,
your attitude towards choosing a dentist changes. Not only do
your teeth provide the structure for your face—if your teeth
collapse, your face goes with them—your teeth allow you to stay
alive in that they help you chew food to the point that it can
be digested, and they allow you to enjoy life in that they help
you eat any sort of food you want, prepared the way you want it.

When something goes wrong with your teeth, it’s really hard to
set it right again. Your dentist makes sure that your teeth
remain in good enough condition that you’re never in any serious
danger of major tooth problems. One way to choose a dentist is
to go by word of mouth. Whom do your friends see? Whom would
they suggest? Ask your friends. Ask them about things like
prices, personality, availability, convenience, satisfaction,
and so forth. Ask them about other dentists they’ve seen, who
they may not have enjoyed as much.

The Internet is another way of looking for a good dentist. With
the Internet you can be very specific when choosing a dentist.
Believe me, dentists aren’t only in the phonebook anymore. They
need to make a living too, right? Most of your local dentists
are a few key clicks away. You can look them up, see what they
do, find phone numbers, even sometimes read customer reports.
And if you want to know about root canals, type in root canals.
If you want to know about teeth whitening, type teeth whitening.

Given the fact that it’s relatively easy to find a dentist this
days, no person has an excuse not to make some kind of search.
Using the resources of the phonebook, word of mouth, and the
Internet, you should have no problem finding an excellent
dentist who will fit all your needs.

About the Author: Dr. Gerard DiFusco, DDS, is a leading dentist
in Webster, New York. Dr. DiFusco specializes in Webster Smile
Makeovers, Dental Implants and Sedation Dentistry. Visit us for
more information or call


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