How Sensitive Are Your Gums?
By [] Nathaly Dedeyan
Periodontal diseases develop when inflammation and infection that destroys tissue supporting the teeth, including gums, periodontal ligaments and alveolar bone.
Gingivitis can be prevented and treated. Factors such as medication and a low immune system are likely to the development of this disease, the most common cause is poor oral hygiene. Rinsing with mouthwash or floss and clean with a professional cleaning, by a physician specialist, can significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease. If you already have gingivitis, a teeth cleaning done by a doctor can fix it.
Signs and symptoms - Because gum disease are early, in most cases, painless, you can have gingivitis and not even know. Often, it is possible to notice these signs:
* Swollen and red gums;
* Gums that bleed easily, even if not painful. You observe primarily as toothbrush bristles are pink - a sign that your gums are bleeding.
* A change in color from pink gums to dark red;
* Touch-sensitive gums.
Causes - Gingivitis starts with a bacteria plaque. This film is invisible, biofilm, usually composed of bacteria deposited on the teeth and sugars from food interact with bacteria normally found in our mouth.
Brushing your teeth removes the plaque, but it is submitted again in less than 24 hours. Microbial plaque remains on your teeth more than two or three days hardens, turning into tartar, one white substance that makes plaque more difficult to be removed and that is a true reservoir for bacteria.
The worst is that already formed s tartar may be hard to clean by brushing and with dental floss. Most likely have to present yourself to a dentist to remove tartar. As the tartar or plaque on tooth surfaces stay more, then irritate the upper gums. Over time, your gums will swell and bleed easily.
Nathaly Dedeyan is co-owner of []Find NHS Dentist
a free online resource to help dental patients locate NHS
Dentists in their area.
Article Source: [] How Sensitive Are Your Gums?
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