Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tips for Avoiding Bad Breath in the Morning

Tips for Avoiding Bad Breath in the Morning
Lynn Ho

There is a famous scene in the movie "America's Sweethearts" wherein Julia Roberts wakes up next to John Cusack and, as they try to talk, she covers her mouth with a sheet to hide her bad breath. Yes, those other Hollywood scenes of couples waking up and immediately talking or kissing are pretty much fictional fluff, as just about everyone has very, very bad "morning mouth" when they first wake up.

If this sounds like you, what are some tips for avoiding bad breath in the morning? Are you just resigned to hiding it with a sheet or turning away from your partner the minute your eyes open? Is there really anything you can do to fix it, or even to just mask it? Let's go over some of these tips here and see what we can do so that you can give your partner a good morning kiss, or at least talk with him or her, without making anyone gag!

Start With Knowledge

The best tip for avoiding smelly breath in the morning is to start by understanding why your breath condition occurs in the first place, and especially why it's such a problem when you have been sleeping. Most cases occur because food particles lodged between the teeth start to decay and smell. Also, when your mouth is dry, this allows that bacteria to stick to your teeth and tongue.

Most tips will explain how to get those bacteria out of your mouth to begin with, and how to keep your mouth hydrated and moist. When you have been sleeping, saliva production slows down, and saliva helps rinse away bacteria and germs. This is why your mouth is especially sticky and dry in the mornings as well.

Other suggestions include keeping a dry mouth out by keeping yourself adequately hydrated, and rinsing your mouth with peppermint oil at night. Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol or that are labeled antiseptic when you use them at night, because these ingredients dry your mouth and contribute to the problem. These products may be fine for use during the day, but are only going to make "morning mouth" much worse. Switch to those that are alcohol free or that are just rinses and not antiseptics.

Good Oral Hygiene

There is virtually nothing you can do to avoid bad breath in the morning if you are not practicing good oral hygiene overall. If you have smelly breath because of tooth decay or because bacteria are lodged on your tongue or between your teeth, no tips are going to overcome these serious problems.

It may seem like a mindless mantra to be constantly told to brush and floss regularly, but there is a reason why dentists keep repeating this advice. Flossing removes food particles stuck between the teeth, as does rinsing. Brushing should be done immediately after eating, especially if you have eaten acidic foods (citrus fruits, coffee, soda) that wear away tooth enamel.

When it comes to good oral hygiene, do not forget to brush your tongue as well. There are specially designed tongue scrapers available on the market, but your toothbrush works just as well. Make sure you rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after each use as well, and change it regularly so that you are not using one with bacteria all over it.

And of course, visit your dentist regularly. By having professional cleanings and checkups, you can avoid many cases of tooth decay which contribute to bad breath.

Start the Night Before

If you do not brush your teeth before going to bed, how else do you expect your breath to be except nasty? This means you may have gone 12 hours or more without any brushing or flossing!

It's easy to start thinking that you are too tired to brush and floss before bed, but you really should make this a part of your nighttime routine, even if this means doing it before bedtime. A good tip is to brush and floss as soon as you have finished your last meal or snack in the evening, and avoid eating or drinking anything but water afterwards. This may even help with weight loss and maintenance! But by brushing earlier in the evening than you might, you are being sure to get this done.

Miscellaneous Tips

Avoid sugary foods before you go to bed, and this includes mints, gums, and candy. Sugar dries your mouth and makes it feel sticky and contributes to your breath condition. Some places that offer tips for avoiding bad breath in the morning encourage taking a breath mint right before you go to bed, but if you do this, make sure it's sugar-free. And make sure that you have eaten it completely before falling asleep so that you do not choke!

Smoking is a leading cause of bad breath as well, so avoid that last cigarette before going to bed. If you must smoke, do so before you go through your bedtime brushing and flossing routine.

And of course the best tips involve taking care of yourself physically overall. Eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise. Drink lots of water. Lose weight if you need to. Some cases of bad breath are caused by poor hygiene and lifestyle choices overall, so be mindful of this. There is not much you can do to avoid "morning mouth" if you are eating foods that are giving you indigestion or if you have other health issues.

By following all of these tips for avoiding bad breath in the mornings, you may find that you can toss aside that sheet and have a morning conversation with confidence!

Are your relationships affected by bad breath? Or do you suffer from foul breath because of your hairy tongue? Learn how you can tackle these bad breath issues with our resource site.

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