Saturday, August 21, 2010

Myths Of Bad Mouth Breath

Myths Of Bad Mouth Breath

Author: Deux Lai

Bad mouth breath or also known as halitosis is a major problem among us these days. It can be a bigger problem when you are whispering to your friends or trying to cuddle with your spouse. It's good to know that having bad mouth breath can be prevented.
The cause of having bad mouth breath is because of the bacteria that is in the mouth that will produce odor. If you have a habit of not brushing or floss in a regular basis, there will be an accumulation of bacteria in your mouth.
The bacteria will then release a compound called the sulfur that makes your breath to smell. Besides, there are also foods such as garlic and onion which have a pungent smell. The smell is caused by the oil in the food being carried to the lungs and going out to the mouth.
In addition to that, smoking can also lead to bad mouth breath. Throughout the years, there have been a lot of myths talking about the ways to handle bad breath.
Bad mouth breath can be cured with mouth wash.
Although bad breath can be cured with mouth wash, it is only temporarily. If you are trying to get an effective mouthwash, you can get one with antiseptic and plaque reducing which bear the seal from American Dental Association. Getting recommendations from your dentist is also a good idea when choosing your mouth wash.
You will not have bad breath if you brush regularly.
Most people will only brush their teeth for around 40 seconds which is not sufficient. The recommended time in cleaning your teeth is to brush for a minimum of 2 minutes and at least twice a day. The tongue should also be brushed as there are bacterias in there too. Flossing is also important because brushing your teeth can't remove the food particles and plaque that is stick between your teeth.
Breathing on your hand can determine whether you have bad mouth breath.
Breathing and talking use a different part of the throat. Talking uses the back of the mouth where the bad breath cause is and breathing does not. We are also used to our smell which makes it hard to know whether we have bad breath.
You should be taking good care of your mouth hygiene if you are concern about having bad mouth breath. There are gums or sweets around which can also replace the breath temporarily also.
If you practice good mouth hygiene regularly and still have bad mouth breath, there could be some problem and you should consult with your dentist as they are the best in helping you to cure bad mouth breath.

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About the AuthorFor more information on bad mouth breath and bad breath cures:

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