Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wisdom Teeth - Know What You Can Expect From Your Dentist Appointment

Wisdom Teeth - Know What You Can Expect From Your Dentist Appointment
By [] Anna Woodward

For most people, sometime in their early twenties, their dentist will say to them during a routine check-up: "Those wisdom teeth need to go! So, when would be a good time to come in and have them ripped out?"

The usual answer is: "Gosh, I'm pretty busy with work and all... maybe next year?"
Any dentist will tell you that the sooner you get them pulled, the less painful they'll be. It's much easier to get them out when you're 21 than when you're 31. There's less pain and much less risk of problem which may mean another trip to the dentist!

What It's Like Getting Wisdom Teeth Yanked Out Of Your Head
In modern dentistry, we've moved beyond the string-tied-to-a-doorknob and WHAMMO! Technique. Instead, the dental experts will open up your gums and extract the teeth and connecting bones. They may sew you back up with a few stitches, which will dissolve naturally.

Some dentists prefer to take them all out at once, and some choose instead to do one or two at a time. Age is usually a factor in this. Taking them all out at once can be a much bigger operation, and usually goes more smoothly with younger patients. Sometimes, getting them all out will require a hospital stay. It might sound a little scary, but most folks agree that it beats having to keep going back again and again for extraction.

This will also determine the anesthetic used. Your dental expert will have plenty of giggle gas to keep you high as a kite while they remove your wisdom teeth. Usually, they use local anesthetic, which just numbs the immediate area and fills your head with happy thoughts. When taking out all of them, or when it looks like it might be tricky, the dentist will give you a one-way ticket to a psychedelic paradise, and when you come back you'll have a few less tooth than before.

Recovery Can Be A Breeze
During recovery it's important to clean the area as directed by the expert, and take proper care to prevent "dry socket." This is when the blood doesn't clot completely, and leaves your bone exposed to air, food and other irritants. It only happens in about 5% of cases, but you should be careful. Developing dry socket means... more visits to the dental clinic!

Having your wisdom teeth pulled is no big deal. Just take a few days off work, and put yourself in the hands of a good dentist. Get it done as soon as possible, and it'll be smooth and easy!

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Article Source: [] Wisdom Teeth - Know What You Can Expect From Your Dentist Appointment

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