Friday, September 25, 2009

Get Whiter Teeth For Under 5 Dollars

Get Whiter Teeth For Under 5 Dollars
By []Jo Mark

Do you want whiter teeth for under $5.00? If you get your teeth whitened in the dentist's office, it will set you back about $500 bucks. But now, due to a discovery by a mother from Princeton, NJ, you can whiten your teeth for under $5.00. She found this trick by combining two separate teeth whitening trials online. For an investment of less $5.00, she discovered an amazing teeth whitening process that rivals what you would expect to get from your local dentist. And her cost was about 1/100 of what she would have paid the dentist! The trick is that she used two trial offers from the internet that cost her just a few dollars for shipping.

Her story regarding the yellowing of her teeth is a familiar one. She did several things over the years that stained her teeth: She drank coffee, smoked cigarettes for several years, and didn't floss regularly. You know the story, it is probably similar to yours. Over a period of years, she began to notice how bad the yellowing and staining had developed on her teeth. It finally got so bad, she decided to do something.

Like most of us, she tried several of the tooth whitening toothpastes with no real results. She tried the teeth whitening strips and, although she saw some improvement, it was not significant. Nothing she tried seemed to work. And finally, she went to the dentist and discovered that a simple teeth whitening procedure would cost at least $500. But unfortunately, most dental insurance plans won't pay for that sort of procedure.

She thought there had to be a better way. So she went online and began to do some research. She discovered that there are two main options for the kind of home whitening she wanted. The two procedures included whitening pens and whitening trays. She found trial offers for both of these products and used both the pens and the trays together.

Her little experiment turned into a very powerful discovery. Her results were significantly better than she had imagined. In fact, it looked as good, or even better, than what she would have expected from her local dentist. And when you consider that it cost her 1/100th of the price that her dentist had quoted, she was delighted.

The secret of the process was combining the two different trial products and using them one right after another. This simple combination produced an amazing whitening effect that cost just a few dollars. After just 3 days of use, she started to see results. Her friends commented on how much better she looked and confirmed what she saw in the mirror each morning.

The trick is to use the two products, one right after the other, to whiten your teeth give yourself a smile that's unbelievable.

If you're interested in using this teeth whitening discovery, the links to the free trial products are included below: Remember, to get fabulous results like hers, you will want to use BOTH products, one after the other. []Click Here for information on Both trial offers.

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